
Textpad Missing External Tools
Textpad Missing External Tools

But MSBuild 3.5 does, so I learned a couple of tricks.ġ. MSBuild 2.0's copy task doesn't have an option to overwrite read only files. The script was simple to write, but I hit a snag.the destination files were read only, and the copy errored out. There are a lot of choices today for a little quick and dirty script like this, Batch files, VBScript, Powershell, NAnt, but I thought I'd give MSBuild a try because I figured it would be the least amount of hassle, since moving files around is one of it's main duties during a build. But there were a lot of them, and whenever I need to do something repeatedly I try automate it with a script of some sort.because I'm lazy of course. While doing some troubleshooting on a project I needed to manually copy some debug assemblies around after every build.

Textpad Missing External Tools